From runs to bake sales, auctions and more, charitable organizations are always on the lookout for new and fun ways to raise money for their cause. Custom t-shirts offer a great fundraising tool for your local charity, youth sports team, school or association.
Why? First, because custom t-shirts give supporters something tangible and practical. What could be better to help your audience express their support than wearing your message? Custom t-shirts give your supporters something they can use to spread awareness about your cause, along with benefiting organizers, too. When your supporters wear your custom t-shirts, they become walking billboards, helping to promote your organization and raise awareness of your cause wherever they go.
Here’s how your organization can use custom t-shirts to fundraise for your cause:
Host a T-shirt Design Contest
A contest is a great way to drum up excitement about your organization. A t-shirt design contest allows your supporters to connect with your cause, unleash their creativity and engage in a little friendly competition. Having the ability to design custom t-shirts for your cause also provides your supporters with a sense of ownership. The more engagement you’re able to generate around your t-shirt fundraiser, the greater the likelihood of its success.
Be Inclusive in Your Design
When selecting a t-shirt design for your fundraiser, be sure to select a design and a t-shirt that appeals to both genders. You don’t want to risk alienating half your prospective clientele by selecting a t-shirt or a design that is too masculine or too feminine.
Consider the Cost
When printing custom t-shirts for a fundraiser, you want to be conscious of the cost of the shirts you’re printing. Entripy has some great ways to help you save on your custom apparel.

Reducing your colour count is one way you can save on your custom t-shirts. With custom screen printing, a new screen needs to be created for every additional colour in your design. Reducing your colour count to one or two colours can keep your custom t-shirt cost low.
Plus, because we know charitable organizations are cost conscious, we also offer a nonprofit discount. Please inquire for details.
Order Extras
At any event fundraiser, the last thing you want to happen is to run out of product! Ordering a few extra shirts of each size not only means you reduce the risk of running out, but it can also help you save. Entripy offers price breaks on orders of higher quantity. Ordering a few extra shirts can lower your cost per shirt, and put more money in your organization’s pocket.
Give Away Custom T-Shirts as Prizes and Incentives
T-shirts make a great raffle prizes or gift incentives for top fundraisers. Everyone loves getting a free t-shirt! A custom t-shirt featuring your organization’s logo serve as a lasting symbol of your supporters’ passion for your cause, plus they’re a whole lot of fun!