There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now and safety is at the top of everyone’s mind. We’re are all doing our part to follow the guidelines and advice from our governments. That includes staying at home, washing our hand frequently and practicing social distancing.
While we stay at home, there are multiple essential workers that are needed to go into their workplace to do their job and help support their communities. Grocery workers included.
That’s why we were so grateful to be able to work with No Frills Canada to help them keep their workers extra safe. In addition to practicing extra hygiene and using PPE, we wanted to help provide workers with a visual cue to assist in spreading the message about social distancing.
Our social distancing designs are meant to encourage safe protocols and ease a little bit of the stress of front-line workers who may be worried about customers not understanding or following distancing practices in public places.
At Entripy, we have always been dedicated to helping and supporting our communities. And now more than ever, we understand how important it is for us to come together as one and lend a helping where we can. While we all work towards navigating this new normal, we committed to using our resources to empower all organizations and community members adapt to the changing times.

Below are few ways that you can keep your community safe
• Practice Social Distancing – This includes staying at home and only leaving your home for the necessities such as groceries. While in public places, make sure you stay six feet apart from others
• Practice Proper Hygiene –Wash your hands frequently with soap for thirty seconds and travel with hand sanitizer when you need to leave house
• Protect the Vulnerable – Elderly people, as well as those with low immune systems are the groups that are at most risk of facing severe symptoms of the virus. Do your part and maintain distance from these groups in order to protect them
• Self-Monitor – If you feel symptoms or think that you may have come in contact with someone that had the virus, make sure to self-isolate and self-monitor yourself to prevent spreading the virus
While there are things that are out of your control, try to focus on what you can do to help flatten the curve and stop the spread. As we all navigate this situation, make sure to stay safe and follow the guidelines being communicated to you by your government.
Most importantly, let’s remember that we’re in this together and we will get through this with each other’s support.
Download our social distancing designs here and use them on any product to help spread the message and keep your community safe.